Le tabagisme et le vapotage
Did You Know?
Smoking commercial tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in Canada.
Choosing to smoke or vape has direct impacts on your lungs and overall health. Whether its commercial tobacco, cannabis, or flavoured vape juice, the chemicals involved are poisonous, damage your lungs, and can lead to addiction.
Both smoking and vaping can cause:
- Lung damage and COPD
- Chronic cough
- Worsened existing lung disease like asthma
- Addiction and other mental health problems
- Cancer of lungs and other organs
- Low birth weight/premature birth with smoking mothers
- And risk is even higher if you combine products.
- Second-hand smoke and vapour carry similar risks.
NB Lung recognizes that cannabis can offer benefits to people who have certain health conditions.
The decision to use cannabis for medical purposes should be a decision made between a healthcare provider and patient. NB Lung encourages you to choose an alternative form of cannabis rather than smoking it, as smoking is the most harmful method of consuming cannabis.
Legal does not mean healthy!

Quitting smoking or vaping is THE BEST thing you can do for your health.
New Brunswickers can access free quit resources including:
- One-on-One support and advice through phone calls
- Text or email program that sends tips and facts about quitting
- Savings calculator
NB Lung is committed to advocating for stronger policies to protect New Brunswickers from the harms of smoking and vaping. To date, we’ve helped implement:
- Smoke free public places
- Enclosed public places and workplaces
- Public vehicles (eg. : taxis and buses)
- All vehicles when children are present
- Public patios
- School grounds
- Within 9 metres of public places entrances
- Public outdoor walking trails
- Provincial parks
- Vaping flavour ban (Eg.: Bubble gum, chocolate, cotton candy, mango, menthol all banned to reduce the appeal to children and youth.
- Tobacco flavour permitted
Dernière mise à jour de la page : 28/02/2023