
Santé pulmonaire :


Le saviez-vous ?

Nous inspirons et expirons environ 22 000 fois par jour. Nos poumons nous alimentent en oxygène !

Our lungs breathe in air, then remove the oxygen and pass it through our bloodstream, where it’s carried off to the tissues and organs that allow us to walk, talk, and move.

Our lungs also take carbon dioxide from our blood and release it into the air when we breathe out.

Our brain controls how fast our lungs draw in air, when we exercise or play our brain tells our lungs to work faster. When we’re sleeping or at rest, our lungs slow down.

Our breathing and our lungs are precious. We need to protect them.

Your left and right lungs aren’t exactly the same. The lung on the left side of your body is divided into two lobes, the lung on your right side is divided into three. The left lung is also slightly smaller, allowing room for your heart.

Did you know that you can live with only one lung? Having just one lung limits your physical ability. But it doesn’t stop you from living a relatively normal life.

People who have a large lung capacity can send oxygen around their body faster. You can increase your lung capacity with regular exercise.

When resting, the average adult breathes around 12 to 20 times a minute.

Les poumons contiennent approximativement 2 400 kilomètres de voies aériennes et entre 300 et 500 millions de sacs d’air (alvéoles).

Si on les étendait, les tissus des poumons couvriraient une surface totale équivalente à environ la moitié d’un terrain de tennis.

Dernière mise à jour de la page : 28/02/2023